Mike and Cindy offer webinars for individuals, groups, company employees and managers on a variety of topics including:
resiliency/stress, conflict resolution, work/life balance, organization/time management, weight/health, healthy and effective communication, healthy lifestyle (individuals and families), tobacco cessation, and setting goals to succeed.
Cindy’s workplace wellness includes:
desk yoga, express workouts with bands, dumbbells and flex-balls. Her focus is on strength-building, balance, endurance, focus and concentration.
Cindy’s guided imagery and meditations include:
Live 2-minute or 10-minute telephonic meditations, focusing on deep breathing, focus and relaxation.
Live 10-minute guided imagery, focusing on deep breathing and visualizing a relaxing scene.
Resiliency and stress:
This webinar is designed to help you:
- learn the types of communication
- discuss ways to reduce stress
- learn how to improve your level of resiliency
- learn how to create healthy habits, like physical activity and a healthy diet
Conflict resolution:
This webinar is designed to help you:
- learn the common types of difficult personalities
- explore strategies for dealing with difficult people in the workplace and in your personal life
- formulate a plan for coping with difficult people
- discuss emotional intelligence competencies
- successfully interact with difficult clients, co-workers, family members and others
Healthy Weight: A holistic approach
Work/Life balance:
These webinars are designed to help you:
- define a healthy lifestyle for yourself
- learn the benefits and the guidelines of physical activity
- discuss how sleep, hormones, food portions, thoughts, and stress affect weight and work/life balance
- define emotional eating and how to overcome it
- learn how to set a goal and how to create and maintain a habit
- practice a mindful eating exercise, a breathing exercise and a life vision exercise
Healthy and effective communication:
This webinar is designed to help you:
- define assertive, passive and aggressive forms of communication
- explore internal barriers for healthy communication
- learn how to change your words and use trigger words and phrases
- learn and review assertiveness techniques
- enhance assertiveness skills
Organization/Time management:
This webinar is designed to help you:
- learn tips to budget your time
- organize and prioritize your tasks
- explore how to align actions with values
- debunk time management myths
Tobacco cessation:
This webinar is designed to help you:
- understand biological, psychological and social factors associated with addiction to tobacco
- understand specific health benefits associated with quitting
- discuss the process of quitting, including triggers and motivators
- use current tobacco-cessation treatment strategies
Setting goals to succeed:
This webinar is designed to help you:
- learn how to define and set a goal
- understand and learn how to make a SMART goal
- discuss tips for setting SMART goals for long-term success
- learn how to move beyond excuses that hinder personal growth
Webinar on “Family Health and Stress” “Excellent, relevant and helpful information.” “I liked how the presenter gave examples of how to use the content of presentation in real life situations.” “Excellent topic. Good use of examples. Presented good options for people with limitations. Liked the emphasis on movement with options.” Workshop on “Getting Past the Wall to Protect Inner Peace” “Just wanted you to know we had an awesome meeting. It was a great topic. He is an excellent speaker. I purchased his book and found it very helpful and something I would use in my clinical practice as well as personally. Thanks again for presenting to us. You were a hit.” Margaret F. NC Webinar on “Time Budgeting: Getting it all Done” “Thanks. And to Cindy as well. Very helpful with many takeaways.”David R. at Quest Diagnostics Webinar on “Achieving a Better Work/Life Balance” “Thank you so much. It was great information and very helpful.”Michele C. at CenturyLink